We’re pleased to announce that we’ve partnered with Cryptozoic Entertainment for the World of Warcraft Trading Card Game. Cryptozoic is slated to release the Wrathgate booster set in May, followed by the Class Decks in June. To learn more, visit Cryptozoic’s website. http://www.cryptozoic.com我们很高兴地宣布,我们将与Cryptozoic娱乐公司合作魔兽世界集换式卡牌项目。Cryptozoic公司预定于今年的五月发布“愤怒之门”版本,随后于六月发布“职业包”。
10年3月24日:寒武纪娱乐公司取得魔兽世界®集换式卡牌授权Wrathgate booster set for tabletop game based on Blizzard Entertainment’s award-winning World of Warcraft series slated for May release, followed by Class Decks in June暴雪娱乐的知名桌面系列游戏魔兽世界卡牌“愤怒之门”补充包将于五月正式发布,随后六月将推出“职业包”。
Irvine, California – (March 24, 2010) – Cryptozoic Entertainment is pleased to announce that they have signed a long-term licensing agreement with Blizzard Entertainment. The multi-year arrangement grants Cryptozoic the right to produce the trading card game (TCG) based on Blizzard Entertainment’s hugely popular World of Warcraft® massively multiplayer online role-playing game series.美国,加利福尼亚州,欧文市—(2010年3月24日)—寒武纪娱乐宣布,该公司与暴雪娱乐达成了一项长期的合作协议。该协议授予寒武纪公司出品魔兽世界集换式卡牌游戏的权利,该游戏是基于暴雪娱乐旗下最受大众欢迎的MMORPG游戏魔兽世界®系列的桌面版本。
“This is an exciting time for us and for players of the trading card game,” said John Nee, Cryptozoic Entertainment’s CEO. “Our first priority will be to maintain the current programs that the community has come to expect and then build from there. The game itself is fantastic, and will not change. The community can rest assured that we are committed to providing them with the high quality product and organized play that they deserve, worldwide.”“这对我们和所有集换式卡牌玩家都是一个激动人心的时刻,”寒武纪娱乐的 CEO,John Nee说。“我们的首要工作是顺应广大玩家群体的期望展开工作,然后逐步完善。我们会延续这个游戏的特色,不会将其改变。大家可以放心,我们会致力于为大家提供优质的产品和完善的比赛,这是玩家们应得的,全世界的玩家都如此。”
Cryptozoic will continue to expand the World of Warcraft TCG for years to come. Players will soon have a slew of exciting new cards to test their skills and defeat their opponents with at the upcoming Continental Championships in June and the World Championship in August. The first product release from Cryptozoic will be the Wrathgate boosters in May followed by the Class Decks in June.寒武纪公司在接下来的几年时间中,将会继续扩展WOWTCG业务。玩家们很快就会得到新系列的卡牌,并能在六月的洲际赛和八月的世冠赛上用它们大显身手!寒武纪娱乐发布的第一个版本将是五月份的“愤怒之门”,随后是六月份的“职业包”。
To start, players can get the latest news on the World of Warcraft TCG at www.cryptozoic.com. Then in just a few weeks a brand new website for the TCG itself will launch. Cryptozoic promises ongoing updates on everything from organized play to product releases as well as a regular dose of strategy articles and spoilers as they get closer to their initial product launch.首先,近期关于WOWTCG的最新消息都将发布于 www.cryptozoic.com。随后几周内,TCG项目本身独有的全新网站将会面世。寒武纪娱乐向玩家保证,玩家们将会在新的网站上看到所有关于新产品以及比赛的信息,以及一如既往的专栏、评论、预告等等。
Q:锻造卡还会继续吗?(WTEM向您解释,锻造卡,是指卡牌玩家随机在补充包内拿到的印有源生之水之类材料的卡牌。邮寄这些卡牌给寒武纪,可以换取一些非常稀有的装备卡牌)欢迎光临 崛起官方论坛 (http://risetcg.wakeu.cn/bbs/) | Powered by Discuz! 7.0.0 |